If you have finished harvesting and/or getting ready for extraction, could you kindly arrange some kanuka honey samples to the address mentioned below
We need at least 50 distinctive kanuka honey samples and are hoping to get a good mix from across the regions, so we can map out how the Arabinogalactan Proteins (AGPs) and the chemical markers stack up across the length and breadth of NZ.
We need samples no later than the end of February – please note this on your calendars as we are on some tight timelines and we are hoping we can present the research data and findings by Apiculture New Zealand’s conference, if it is still on, in June 2024.
This research is pivotal and will at least give us an indication if we need further research or can commercialise the test methods for all beekeepers’ gain.
Your help is very much appreciated. Onwards and upwards.
If you have any questions, please sing out.
Samples of 100-200g to:
School of Science Reception
Attention: Swapna Gannabathula
Level 5, WS Building
Auckland University of Technology
34 Saint Paul Street
Auckland 1010
Along with sample please provide:
Your contact details
Floral type (approximate %s – your estimation)
Land type (e.g. Urban, bush, farm or orchard)
Harvest date
Best wishes always, Ngā Mihi,
Sri Govindaraju, The Experiment Company. Ph 021 024 22407, sri@experiment.nz
Editor’s note: The work of the Experiment Company has been profiled several times in Apiarist’s Advocate, most recently in a Q&A piece with Sri Govindaraju.